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Our God - True Worshippers

Posted 星期六, 八月 31 2013 10:27 作者 黑熊

Our God

詞曲:Jesse Reeves, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Jonas Myrin

演唱:True Worshippers


Water You turned into wine 你將水變為美酒

Open the eyes of the blind 使盲眼重見光明

There's no one like You 無人能像你

None like You 無人像你


Into the darkness You shine 你榮光驅走黑暗

Out of the ashes we rise 賜華冠代替灰塵

There's no one like You 無人能像你

None like You 無人像你


Our God is greater 我神最偉大

Our God is stronger 我神最剛強

God You are higher than any other 遠超過世上一切的君王

Our God is healer 祂醫治我們

Awesome in power 祂滿有權能

Our God 我們的上帝

Our God 我們的上帝


And if Our God is for us 若上帝幫助我們

then who could ever stop us 有誰能攔阻我們

And if our God is with us 若上帝與我同行 

then what can stand against 誰還能敵擋我們

And if Our God is for us 若上帝幫助我們

then who could ever stop us 有誰能攔阻我們

And if our God is with us 若上帝與我同行

then what can stand against 誰還能敵擋我們
