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In Christ Alone - 史茵茵

Posted 星期日, 七月 21 2013 10:01 作者 黑熊

In Christ Alone

詞曲:Keith Getty, Stuart Townsend



In Christ alone my hope is found 惟獨基督 是我盼望

He is my light my strength my song 我的明燈 力量 詩歌

This cornerstone this solid ground 這房角石 為我根基

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm 面對暴風也不動搖


What heights of love what depths of peace 無比的愛 最深平安

When fears are stilled when strivings cease 不再懼怕 不再掙扎

My comforter my all in all 我的安慰 我的至愛

Here in the love of Christ I stand 我住在基督的愛裡


In Christ alone who took on flesh 惟獨基督 道成肉身

Fullness of God in helpless babe 全能的神 成為嬰孩

This gift of love and righteousness 成為公義 愛的禮物

Scorned by the ones He came to save 卻被人拒絕和藐視


Till on that cross as Jesus died 在十架上 基督去世

The wrath of God was satisfied 神的震怒 終得消除

For every sin on Him was laid 在基督裡 罪被塗抹

Here in the death of Christ I live 基督替死 我得重生


There in the ground His body lay 祂的身體 埋葬在地

Light of the world by darkness slain 世界真光 黑暗所殺

Then bursting forth in glorious day 在榮耀日 突然顯現

Up from the grave He rose again 從墳墓中 基督復活


And as He stands in victory 祂已戰勝死亡權勢

Sins curse has lost its grip on me 我不再受罪咒詛掌控

For I am His and He is mine 因我屬祂 祂也屬我

Bought with the precious blood of Christ 基督寶血把我買贖


No guilt in life no fear in death 全新生命 無懼死亡

This is the power of Christ in me 基督大能在我裡面

From life's first cry to final death 生命初啼 至終死亡

Jesus commands my destiny 耶穌掌管我的一生


No power of hell no scheme of man 陰間權勢 惡人計謀

Can ever pluck me from His hand 無法毀我 因在祂手

Till He returns or calls me home 至主再來 或我歸家

Here in the power of Christ I'll stand 我都倚靠基督大能
