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Take My Life And Let It Be Consecrated - Leann Albrecht

Posted 星期六, 十一月 12 2011 8:18 作者 黑熊




Take My Life And Let It Be Consecrated 獻己於主

詞:Frances R. Havergal

曲:Louis J. Herold

演唱:Leann Albrecht



Take my life and let it be, 收我此生作奉獻

Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; 毫無保留在你前

Take my moments and my days, 收我光陰並時日

Let them flow in ceaseless praise 用以榮耀你不置

Let them flow in ceaseless praise 用以榮耀你不置


Take my lips and let them be, 收我唇舌作用器

Filled with messages from Thee; 前來述說你信息

Take my voice and let me sing, 收我聲音來歌唱

Always, only for my King. 天上榮耀的君王

Always, only for my King. 天上榮耀的君王


Take my will and make it thine, 收我意志永屬你

It shall be no longer mine 從今不再為自己

Take my heart it is thine own 收我的心坐寶座

It shall be Thy royal throne 你住裡面號令我

It shall be Thy royal throne 你住裡面號令我
