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Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Brothers & Sisters

Posted 星期三, 八月 03 2011 6:46 作者 黑熊




Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 讓你自己過個小小的歡樂耶誕吧

詞曲:Hugh Martin, Ralph Blance

演唱:李思華, 王宗民, 蘇郁修, 張湘蘭, 郭曉雯, 許雯惠, 簡愛



Have yourself a merry little Christmas, 讓你自己過個小小的歡樂聖誕吧

Let your heart be light 讓你的心容光煥發吧

From now on, 從現在開始

our troubles will be out of sight 我們的煩惱都將拋到腦後


Have yourself a merry little Christmas, 讓你自己過個小小的歡樂耶誕吧

Make the Yule-tide gay, 讓你的耶誕季節快樂歡欣吧

From now on, 從現在開始

our troubles will be miles away. 我們的煩惱都在千里之外


Here we are as in olden days, 現在我們就像活在過去的日子裡

Happy golden days of yore. 過去那般快樂的金色歲月

Faithful friends who are dear to us 忠誠的朋友珍愛著我們

Gather near to us once more. 再一次地與我們相聚


Through the years 年復一年

We all will be together, 我們都將會在一起

If the Fates allow 如果命運允許

Hang a shining star upon the highest bough. 掛一顆閃亮的星星 在最高的樹枝上

And have yourself A merry little Christmas now. 然後,讓你自己過個小小的歡樂耶誕吧
