Come To The Music - 台北聖教會雅韻詩班
星期三, 三月 16 2011 9:13
Come To The Music 來融入音樂
詞曲:Martin Joseph
Celebrate celebrate come to the music 慶祝慶祝 來融入音樂
Celebrate celebrate come to the dance 慶祝慶祝 來一起跳舞
Celebrate celebrate sing halleluia 慶祝慶祝 高唱哈利路亞
Celebrate celebrate clap you hands 慶祝慶祝 拍拍你的手
Celebrate celebrate come to the music 慶祝慶祝 來融入音樂
Celebrate celebrate come to the dance 慶祝慶祝 來一起跳舞
Celebrate celebrate come to the music 慶祝慶祝 來融入音樂
Celebrate celebrate clap you hands 慶祝慶祝 拍拍你的手
Come to the music 來融入音樂
And let alleluias surround you 讓哈利路亞的歌聲環繞你
Come to the music 來融入音樂
And let each hosanna astound you 讓讚頌上帝的聲音震撼你
Come hear the jubilant song of creation 來聆聽這宇宙萬物歡悅的歌聲
Come hear the music 來請聽音樂
Which rings as a hope to the nations 為這世界帶來希望
Celebrate 慶祝
Celebrate celebrate come to the music 慶祝慶祝 來融入音樂
Celebrate celebrate come to the dance 慶祝慶祝 來一起跳舞
Celebrate celebrate come to the music 慶祝慶祝 來融入音樂
Celebrate celebrate clap you hands 慶祝慶祝 拍拍你的手
Music is the sound of creation 音樂是創造之音
Crashing sea and mourning dove 是大海轟然之聲 是悲傷的鴿子之聲
Music is the voice of worship 音樂是崇敬禮拜的聲音
Music lifts our hearts above 音樂能提升我們的心靈
Music is our common language 音樂是我們共通的語言
Music is the song of love 音樂是愛之歌啊
Celebrate 來慶祝
Celebrate celebrate 慶祝慶祝
Celebrate celebrate come to the music 慶祝慶祝 來融入音樂
Celebrate celebrate come to the dance 慶祝慶祝 來一起跳舞
Celebrate celebrate come to the music 慶祝慶祝 來融入音樂
Celebrate celebrate clap you hands 慶祝慶祝 拍拍你的手
Gloria gloria sing halleluia 榮耀主 讚美主 高唱哈利路亞
Gloria gloria sing to the lord 榮耀主 讚美主 歌頌主
Gloria gloria sing halleluia 榮耀主 讚美主 高唱哈利路亞
Gloria gloria sing evermore 榮耀主 讚美主 永不停息
Gloria gloria Deo 榮耀主 讚美主
Alleluia alleluia 哈利路亞 哈利路亞
Gloria gloria Deo 榮耀主 讚美主
Come to the music com 來融入音樂吧 來吧
Halleluia 哈利路亞
