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Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen - 詹怡嘉

Posted 星期一, 一月 03 2011 0:39 作者 黑熊

Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen 無人瞭解我眼前的困難





Nobody knows the trouble I've seen 沒人知道我見過的苦難

Nobody knows but Jesus 只有耶穌明白

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen 沒人知道我見過的苦難

Glory Hallelujah 榮耀 哈利路亞


Sometimes I'm up 有時我高昂

sometimes I'm down 有時我低落

Oh yes Lord 喔 主啊 是的

Sometimes I'm almost to the ground 有時我差點被擊倒在地

Oh yes Lord 喔 主啊 是的


Nobody knows the trouble I've seen 沒人知道我見過的苦難

Nobody knows but Jesus 只有耶穌明白

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen 沒人知道我見過的苦難

Glory Hallelujah 榮耀 哈利路亞


I never shall forget that day 我絕不會忘記那一天

Oh yes Lord 喔 主啊 是的

When Jesus washed my sins away 當耶穌洗淨我的罪

Oh yes Lord 喔 主啊 是的


Nobody knows the trouble I've seen 沒人知道我見過的苦難

Nobody knows but Jesus 只有耶穌明白

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen 沒人知道我見過的苦難

Glory Hallelujah 榮耀 哈利路亞
